ACTFL Assessments are recognized as the gold standard. ACTFL proficiency tests are used worldwide by academic institutions, government agencies, and private corporations.
Foreign Language Annals is the official refereed journal of ACTFL and was first published in 1967. The journal seeks to serve the professional interests of classroom instructors, researchers, and administrators across a range of contexts and is dedicated to the advancement of the teaching and learning of foreign languages, particularly languages other than English. It is published four times per year.
Please note: Our access procedures have recently changed. To get member access to FLA, please click the following link and follow the instructions. If you have questions or difficulty, please contact us at
FLA is seeking individuals interested in reviewing manuscripts submitted to the journal. In this webinar, Dr. Luke Plonsky (Northern Arizona University), the Managing Editor of FLA, explains how to write a scholarly review.
Best Practices for Scholarly Review ACTFL/FLA Webinar
Research and Me: Incorporating FLA into your Classroom
In this presentation, former editor Julie Sykes explains how to purposefully use FLA, connecting it to the classroom and real-world language learning.
Dr. Julie Sykes, former Editor of Foreign Language Annals, Director of the Center for Applied Second Language Studies at the University of Oregon, a National Foreign Language Resource Center, and Co-Director of the Oregon Chinese Flagship Program shares tips for navigating research, participates in an interview with ACTFL’s Director of Assessment and Research, Meg Malone, and answers participant questions. Access a PDF of the presentation.
Editor, Managing Editor and Editorial Board The Interim Co-Editors of Foreign Language Annals are Dr. Kristin Davin of University of North Carolina at Charlotte and Dr. Francis Troyan of The Ohio State University, and the Managing Editor is Luke Plonsky, Northern Arizona University.
In addition to the Interim Co-Editors and Managing Editor, the members of the journal’s Editorial Board are: Tasha Austin, State University of New York at Buffalo Beatrice Dupuy, University of Arizona Agnes Weiyun He, State University of New York at Stonybrook Claudia Holguín, University of California, Riverside Kris Knisely, University of Arizona Jason Martel, Middlebury Institute of International Studies Mandy Menke, University of Minnesota Jason Mizell, University of Miami Kara Moranski, University of Cincinnati Cristina Pardo-Ballester, Iowa State University Tracy Quan, University of Colorado at Boulder Sinem Sonsaat-Hegelheimer, Iowa State University Beth Wassell, Rowan University Qiaona Yu, Wake Forest University Yang Xiao-Desai, San Francisco State University
Circulation and Audience
All of ACTFL’s more than 12,000 members receive Foreign Language Annals as a benefit of membership. In addition, more than 1,000 academic libraries subscribe to Foreign Language Annals. Only institutional subscriptions are available to nonmembers.
Annual Subscription
The Americas
Europe (non Euro zone)
Europe (Euro zone)
Institutional: Online Only
£ 158
€ 199
€ 199
Institutional: Print + Online
£ 183
€ 229
€ 229
Institutional: Print Only
£ 158
€ 199
€ 199
Subscriptions contact: To subscribe to Foreign Language Annals, please contact Wiley-Blackwell’s customer service office by phone at: (781) 388-8206 or (800) 835-6770 (toll-free for customers in North America), by fax at: (781) 388-8232, or by email at:
Permissions contact: Please refer questions to Wiley-Blackwell’s rights and permissions department at
Authors should carefully review the Author Guidelines to ensure that both the content and format of their work are appropriate for this journal, then submit the abstract, manuscript and accompanying files using the ScholarOne Manuscripts™.
Information for Reviewers
The Editor and Editorial Board welcome individuals who would like to review for the journal. To be added to our list of reviewers, please carefully consider the Reviewer Guidelines (PDF), then register as a reviewer at: The voluntary work of reviewers is acknowledged in the spring issue of the journal and letters of appreciation recognizing reviewers’ service to the profession are also sent
How to Submit Articles to FLA
The journal welcomes submissions that report empirical research on, and that have clear and significant implications for, foreign language teaching and learning at all levels of instruction. The journal also welcomes manuscripts that advance theoretical discussions in foreign language education and manuscripts that document the effectiveness of teaching strategies or address a wide variety of emerging issues of interest within the profession.
Only original works that have not been previously published elsewhere and that are not under consideration by any other publication may be submitted for review.
All submissions must be written in English, in a style that is accessible to a broad readership of foreign language researchers, educators, and administrators.
Book reviews, literature reviews, anecdotal reports of teaching strategies or activities, and opinion pieces are not accepted.
If the topic of a submission focuses on English as a second/foreign language, the manuscript should be written so that all language professionals could benefit. Manuscripts focusing solely on English may be returned without review or referred to a different journal.
Foreign Language Annals does not accept multiple simultaneous submissions from the same author.
Preference will be given to papers that address substantive issues, demonstrate expert use of research methods, and report new qualitative or quantitative data that have strong implications for standards-based, proficiency-oriented teaching and learning of languages.
Authors are invited to submit their work using the journal’s online management system. More than 175 manuscripts are submitted to the journal annually; approximately 15% of the submissions are selected for publication.
Other Frequently Asked Questions
To subscribe to Foreign Language Annals, please contact Wiley-Blackwell’s customer service office by phone at: (781) 388-8206 or (800) 835-6770 (toll-free for customers in North America), by fax at: (781) 388-8232, or by email at:
Annual Subscription
The Americas
Europe (non Euro zone)
Europe (Euro zone)
Institutional: Online Only
£ 158
€ 199
€ 199
Institutional: Print + Online
£ 183
€ 229
€ 229
Institutional: Print Only
£ 158
€ 199
€ 199
Please refer questions to Wiley-Blackwell’s rights and permissions department at
All of ACTFL’s more than 11,000 members receive Foreign Language Annals as a benefit of membership. In addition, more than 1,000 academic libraries subscribe to Foreign Language Annals. Only institutional subscriptions are available to nonmembers.
Authors should submit the abstract, manuscript and accompanying files using the ScholarOne Manuscripts™.
The Editor and Editorial Board welcome individuals who would like to review for the journal. To be added to our list of reviewers, please carefully consider the Reviewer Guidelines (PDF), then register as a reviewer at: The voluntary work of reviewers is acknowledged in the spring issue of the journal and reviews also receive letters of appreciation recognizing reviewers’ service to the profession.
Please refer requests to reprint articles from Foreign Language Annals to Wiley-Blackwell’s rights and permissions department at
Subscriptions to Foreign Language Annals and The Language Educator are available on a calendar-year basis (January-December) to libraries and other institutions ONLY. Individuals MUSTjoin ACTFL in order to receive these publications as a member benefit. Subscriptions received mid-year will be back-serviced to the beginning of the most recent subscription term. International subscriptions are required of all institutions outside the United States, its territories and possessions.
FLA Key Personnel
Interim Co-Editors: Dr. Kristin Davin and Dr. Francis Troyan
Managing Editor: Luke Plonsky, Northern Arizona University
Previous editors of Foreign Language Annals include:
Kenneth Mildenberger Andre Paquette C. Edward Scebold Warren Borne Cathy Linder Patricia Cummins Vicki Galloway Frank Grittner Emily Spinelli Sherry Spaine-Long Leslie Schrier Anne Nerenz Julie Sykes